Monday, February 23, 2015

Do-It-Yourself Infinity Scarf, Easy tutorial

Photo courtesy: H is for Handmade
I sew a lot and I always have fabric left over. Don't toss out those scraps, because you may have enough to make an infinity scarf. What's great about these scarves is that you can wear them different ways and out of different types of fabrics.

H is for Handmade has these easy instructions. The blog has all the steps to make one in one afternoon.  Click here for the tutorial. 

I also found a video on YouTube that has the simple instructions you can follow along. Both have the information you need to make one now.


Go find that fabric and make a few of them, for friends, family or a bunch just for you.

If you make one let me know in comments below. I would love to post a photo of your project on my Best Crafters Facebook page. 

Happy crafting!


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